We want to hear from you!
Help shape future class offerings by filling out this brief interest survey.

Medicare 101
This FREE small-group class will cover the basics that you should know about Medicare health insurance (e.g., when you qualify, what the different “parts” of Medicare mean, and how to enroll in a plan) as well as the important things we, as one of your healthcare providers, want you to know about its nuances.

Peaceful Protest at OptumRx Headquarters
Join fellow pharmacy advocates fighting PBM abuse at a peaceful protest against OptumRx, one of the “big 3” traditional PBMs and worst perpetrators of PBM abuse! This protest, which is being organized by our friends at Pharmacists United for Truth & Transparency (PUTT) is being held at OptumRx Headquarters in Eden Prairie, MN. At least a few members of our team at St. Paul Corner Drug will be in attendance, and we encourage any SPCD patient who is available to join us!

PNHP Webinar: "Taking Advantage: How corporate health insurers harm America's seniors"
Watch a recording of the webinar hosted on June 3, 2024 by Physicians for a National Health Program (PNHP) to learn about the many ways that corporate health insurers harm seniors and people with disabilities—and how YOU can fight back.

Peaceful Protest at Express Scripts Headquarters
Join fellow pharmacy advocates fighting PBM abuse at a peaceful protest against Express Scripts, one of the “big 3” traditional PBMs and worst perpetrators of PBM abuse! This protest, which is being organized by Loretta Boesing and her non-profit organization, Unite for Safe Medications, is being held at the Express Scripts headquarters in St. Louis, MO.
While members of our team at St. Paul Corner Drug likely won’t make it due to distance, we wanted people to be aware of it in case you’re available to attend! Any and all are welcome to participate, and you can stay for as little or long as you like.

Medicare 101
This FREE small-group class will cover the basics that you should know about Medicare health insurance (e.g., when you qualify, what the different “parts” of Medicare mean, and how to enroll in a plan) as well as the important things we, as one of your healthcare providers, want you to know about its nuances.

Press Conference Announcing Patients United for Insurance Reform (PUIR)
Patients United for Insurance Reform (PUIR) is a group of Minnesotans shining a light on all the ways for-profit health insurers are manipulating the system and putting profits over Minnesota's patients. Watch a recording of the press conference announcing PUIR on April 30, 2024 at the MN State Capitol.

Medication & Supplement Safety
Take ownership in your medication and supplements! Join us on for our next small-group class facilitated by our friend and Functional Medicine Pharmacist, Dr. Sarah Jastram. In this class, Sarah will discuss safe use of medications and supplements and the regulatory differences between the two. The class will also cover points of possible interactions, as well as times when it is not safe to start supplements. You’ll leave feeling empowered to ask meaningful questions when starting a new medication or supplement.

Pharmacy Legislation Press Conference
Watch a recording of the press conference on April 2, 2024 at the MN Capitol. The event highlighted 4 bills proposed in the 93rd MN legislature and featured pharmacists and advocates including our owner, John Hoeschen.

Inflammation & Gut Balance
Inflammation can start in the gut, causing trouble for your health and wellbeing. Did you know that 70 - 80% of your immune cells are in your gut? What if they are too active? How can we calm them down? And WHY are they in your gut in the first place? Come learn how inflammation can start in the gut and get some tips to support balance.

Habits to Support a Healthy Gut
NOTE: This event has been rescheduled from Sunday, February 4th to Sunday, February 25th.
As our understanding of the microbiome has expanded, so has our understanding of its role in human health. The bacteria, viruses, fungi, and yeasts that live in our gut outnumber our own cells and produce compounds that alter not just the gut, but our thoughts and actions.

Functional Medicine & Taking Charge of Your Health
Have you been diagnosed with a chronic condition like pre-diabetes or diabetes, high blood pressure, or high cholesterol? Are you tired of being prescribed medications for these kinds of conditions?