We offer a variety of vaccines for adult and pediatric patients,
including against COVID.
Our Pharmacists, Nurse, and some of our Pharmacy Technicians are all certified to administer vaccines with the same comfort and convenience you’d find at your care provider’s clinic.
Currently, vaccinations are being done by appointment only and are available for patients ages 3+ years old for the COVID and flu vaccines and 13+ years old for all other vaccines. Visit our homepage to read about our business practices as they pertain to the COVID pandemic and preventing the spread of respiratory illnesses in our space.

Want to stay updated about
our vaccination services?
These days, changes to our vaccine stock and appointment availability are common. We use our as-needed e-news bulletin to communicate with our patients about these kinds of changes in addition to important news in our industry, updates to our processes or policies, and other announcements.
Click here to subscribe to our e-news bulletin, the DOSE!
Vaccine-specific updates
Sometimes there are important things we want you to know about specific vaccines, especially when vaccination gets busy and appointment demand increases (usually during the fall/winter when respiratory illness—such as COVID, flu, and RSV—is at it’s highest). Appointments for all of these vaccines are currently in high demand and subject to the vaccine stock we have available; therefore, if you don’t see availability on our Appointments page for the vaccine and dates/times you’re interested in, this is intentional. Due to regular fluctuations in our vaccine stock and availability of personnel to assist with vaccination, we are currently releasing appointments as we are able, which may only show a week or two out. Any verbiage referring to appointments not being available for many months can be disregarded.
If you’d like to be notified when more appointments for high-demand vaccines are released, please subscribe to our news bulletin the DOSE.
All individuals ages 6 months and older are currently recommended by the CDC to receive a single booster using the 2024-2025 formulation of an FDA-approved mRNA or protein subunit vaccine (we offer both), at least 2 months from their last dose. People who are moderately or severely immunocompromised may receive 1 or more age-appropriate additional doses of a 2024–2025 COVID-19 vaccine.
We are currently offering the updated 2024-2025 monovalent versions of the Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA vaccines and Novavax (protein subunit) vaccine at our pharmacy to both adult and pediatric patients.Please note that we are only offering the Moderna pediatric COVID vaccine at this time.
All of these vaccines are considered interchangeable by the CDC based on data supporting their safety and efficacy. If you want to learn more about the difference between these vaccines, we recommend checking out this article.
Appointments for adult (regular and high dose formulations) and pediatric (3+ years old) are now available to book via our Appointments page. If you are traveling or have other extenuating circumstances and need to be vaccinated earlier, give us a call or send us a message here.
Some articles released in 2023 by major news outlets discussed a connection between stroke and the flu and COVID vaccines, most especially in those who are 85+ years old and receive the high dose flu and COVID shots together. It’s important to note that the data cited in these articles is based on observational studies that cannot determine cause and effect between receiving these vaccines and the incidence of stroke, and so requires much further investigation before determining that vaccination recommendations need to be changed. Additionally, the association cited happened in a very small number of cases overall, and must be considered alongside the risk of stroke (and other complications) from the illnesses that these vaccines protect against. For these reasons, at this time, the CDC and ACIP are NOT recommending that individuals over 65 years old avoid receiving the high dose flu vaccine, which is shown to be significantly more effective at protecting older patients against flu regardless of their health status. However, we are more than happy to separate your COVID and flu vaccination appointments, or give you the regular dose flu shot, if you prefer.
This is a new vaccine that was recently approved for use and is currently, per updated recommendations from the CDC, recommended in all persons 75+ years old, 60 - 74 years old with certain health conditions, and all pregnant people 32 - 36 weeks gestation. The recommended timeframe for administration of this seasonal vaccine is September to January. At this point in time, individuals are recommended to receive only ONE dose; if you’ve already received this vaccine, you don’t need additional doses.
In 2023, we appeared to be one of the only known providers of this vaccine for pregnant people in the Twin Cities and surrounding areas, as far as Rochester, MN (possibly even beyond). It’s possible that pregnant folks will continue to struggle finding the vaccine this year. If you know someone who is pregnant and in need of this vaccine, please send them our way! If you or they have trouble booking an appointment online, give us a call or send us message here; we can make sure that you or they receive this vaccine in the appropriate window, which is just one month long.
May 2022
In order to highlight the value of independent pharmacies and encourage Minnesotans to get boosted, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz and Department of Health Commissioner Jan Malcolm receive their COVID boosters at St. Paul Corner Drug.
John jabs Tim. Afterwards, they talked about problems within the insurance industry and growing up in rural Minnesota and Nebraska, respectively.
Commissioner Malcolm and Governor Walz sit and chat with us during their 15-minute wait time
From left to right: Hildie Hoeschen (Nurse, Creative Director, and Mail Order Coordinator), John Hoeschen (Owner & Pharmacist), Commissioner Malcolm, Governor Walz, and Tamra Hoeschen (Owner)
Our vaccines
COVID | Updated 2024 version | Cash price: $159
Moderna (mRNA) for persons 3+ years old | Brand name: Spikevax®
Novavax (protein-based) for persons 12+ years old
note: This is an “adjuvanted” vaccine (i.e., designed to elicit a stronger immune response) and therefore likely to cause flu-like side effects. We do give it alongside other vaccines such as the flu shot, but this will make these kinds of side effects more likely.
Pfizer-BioNTech (mRNA) for persons 12+ years old | Brand name: COMIRNATY®
Flu (Influenza)
Regular dose for persons 3+ years old | Cash price: $48
High dose available for persons 65+ years old | Cash price: $105
note: This is an “adjuvanted” vaccine (i.e., designed to elicit a stronger immune response) and therefore more likely to cause flu-like side effects. We do give it alongside other vaccines such as COVID, but this will make these kinds of side effects more likely.
Hepatitis A | Brand name: HAVRIX®
Hepatitis B | Brand names: ENGERIX-B®, Heplisav-B®
Hepatitis A & B combo | Brand name: TWINRIX
HPV (Human Papillomavirus) | Brand name: Gardasil® 9
Pneumonia (Pneumococcal Conjugate) | Brand name: Prevnar 20™
RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) | Brand names: Arexvy (for adults 60+ years old) & Abrysvo (for pregnant people at 32 - 36 weeks’ gestation)
note: This is an “adjuvanted” vaccine (i.e., designed to elicit a stronger immune response) and therefore likely to cause flu-like side effects. For this reason, it is NOT recommended to receive this vaccine alongside others. We also recommend scheduling this vaccine on a day when you don’t have something important going on the following day.
Click here to read more about RSV vaccination for older adults
Shingles (Herpes Zoster) | Brand name: SHINGRIX
note: This is an “adjuvanted” vaccine (i.e., designed to elicit a stronger immune response) and therefore likely to cause flu-like side effects. For this reason, it is NOT recommended to receive this vaccine alongside others. We also recommend scheduling this vaccine on a day when you don’t have something important going on the following day.
Oral | Brand name: Vivotif®
Injectable | Brand name: Typhim Vi®
note: This is a vaccine we don’t regularly stock, but can usually get next-day. If you’d like to receive this form of the Typhoid vaccine from us, give us a call so that we can help schedule your appointment.
For more information about vaccination recommendations, schedules and ingredients, visit
Do you need your vaccine to
come to you?
Some of our clinical staff offer private vaccination in patients’ homes! This is a great option for patients with health or mobility issues that prevent them from coming to our store in person to receive their vaccination. Interested? Give us a call at (651) 698-8859 or send us a message here.
$75 per patient per visit + $1/mile (one-way) for distances greater than 10 miles from our store. This home visit fee is in addition to any copay owed based on your insurance plan.
note: This service is subject to availability of vaccine stock and vaccination personnel.
At St. Paul Corner Drug, we’re able to vaccinate individuals who are:
3+ years old for COVID and Flu
6+ years old for all other vaccines (subject to specific age requirements for each individual vaccine; see each vaccine’s Vaccine Information Statement (VIS) for more information)
In general, the best way to determine whether a vaccine will be covered at our pharmacy is to call your insurance company directly. Please note that certain insurance plans do NOT cover the cost of vaccination administration at local pharmacies; these plans will cover the cost of the vaccine itself but do not include an administration fee that is supposed to cover the cost of the time and training of vaccinators and the supplies we use. If your insurance is able to be billed at our pharmacy but doesn't cover the cost of vaccine administration, we charge an additional administration fee of $35 per patient per visit, which can be paid using cash, a credit or debit card, or check.
At this time, the cost of the COVID vaccine is no longer being subsidized by the US government, but is guaranteed to be 100% covered by Medicare and expected to be 100% by most commercial insurance plans. However, if you have an insurance plan that isn’t accepted at our pharmacy, we won’t be able to bill your COVID vaccine. For those not using insurance, cash prices for any COVID shot is $159.
Flu vaccination is 100% covered by most insurance plans. For those not using insurance, cash prices for the flu shot are as follows:
Regular dose (3+ years old) | $48
High dose (65+ years old) | $105
Copays for the rest of the vaccinations we offer vary by insurance. To determine what a specific vaccine would cost for you to receive at St. Paul Corner Drug, please call your insurance company directly.
All patients are welcome to pay the cash price (raw cost of the vaccine + $35 administration fee) for any vaccine that is appropriate for them to receive. However, the cost of vaccines is often high compared to filling most prescriptions, so if you’re interested in paying cash to receive a vaccine give us a call or send us a message to discuss pricing before booking an appointment.
Booking your appointment
Currently, we are administering vaccinations by appointment only. We usually offer appointments Monday - Friday, 9:30am - 12:30pm and 2:30 - 7:00pm for all of our vaccines, though any deviation from this will be taken into account in Acuity, our online booking system and reflected on our Appointments page. If you don’t see availability for the vaccine and dates/times you’re interested in, this is intentional. Due to regular fluctuations in our vaccine stock and availability of personnel to assist with vaccination, we are currently releasing appointments as we are able. Please check back frequently and refrain from calling the pharmacy to ask about availability, unless you need assistance with booking an appointment. Subscribing to our as-needed e-news bulletin, the DOSE, is the best way to receive updates about our vaccination services as well as other important announcements.
Changing your appointment
If you need to reschedule or cancel your appointment, you can do so by clicking on the green “Change/Cancel Appointment” button toward the bottom of the confirmation or reminder emails you receive upon booking/shortly before your scheduled appointment. If you no longer have access to these emails, give us a call at (651) 698-8859 or send us a message here.
Preparing for your appointment
We know that, for some, getting a shot can be an anxiety-producing experience. Whether or not this is you, we want to provide you with the safest, smoothest vaccination experience possible. The instructions listed below will help guide you in preparing for your appointment, including specific recommendations for some of the vaccines we offer.
If you or your child has Autism Spectrum Disorder, click here for a collection of resources prepared by the Autism Society (available in English and several other languages). Guidance on this page can also be great for people with vaccine anxiety!
Important things to bring to your appointment:
Current insurance card(s)
Completed consent form (if able)
Click here to access our fillable PDF consent form. To complete, start by downloading the form to your device (DO NOT open and edit in Google Docs, this alters the document’s formatting). Once downloaded, open the file and enter your information in the fillable fields as directed. When you’ve completed the form, save it as a new document on your device and then print and bring it with you to your appointment or email it to (subject: Vax Consent Form).
You are no longer required to bring and update your CDC Vaccination Record Card when receiving a COVID shot. Instead, we’ll confirm the dates of your previous doses (if any) via Docket or MIIC. If you received any previous doses of the COVID vaccine outside the state of Minnesota and these have not yet been added to your MIIC record, please bring a record of these doses and we can manually add them so that your MIIC record is complete.
If you’re experiencing COVID symptoms when it’s time for your appointment, please test BEFORE coming in. We wouldn’t want to vaccinate you for an infection that you currently have.
We love accommodating those who require a support person to accompany them to their vaccination appointment! But, our space is small, so if you're ok coming alone, we ask that you do.
We're happy to vaccinate you in your vehicle, our private consult room, on the floor (for fainters)... If any of these options would make a more comfortable vaccination experience for you, let us know!
Wear a t-shirt or tank under any warmer layers to allow us easy access to your upper arm. Please note that ALL vaccinations are administered in patients’ deltoid muscle in their upper arm (we’re not allowed to give vaccinations in children’s thigh muscle).
We have a private consult room that can be used to vaccinate individuals who desire privacy; however, most patients are vaccinated in our open bay of chairs in the front of our store. If your vaccination requires a wait time, we’ll ask you to complete that wait time in our public vaccination chairs or while you browse our store, even if you’re vaccinated in our private consult room.
Please note that, despite what is listed in their description on our Appointments page, ALL vaccination appointments are actually 15 - 20 minutes long so that we have enough time to bill your vaccination to insurance (if applicable), answer any questions you have, prepare and administer the vaccine, and provide any necessary patient education. Shingles vaccination appointments (or any appointment in which you are receiving multiple vaccines or a vaccination for the first time) are 30 minutes long.
Vaccines requiring a wait time (15 minutes for most individuals, 30 minutes for patients with a history of severe allergic reaction):
Any vaccine you are receiving for the first time
Shingles (both doses)
If booking a Shingles or RSV vaccine appointment, make sure you don’t have anything important going on the next day (e.g., a flight or wedding to attend). These vaccines are “adjuvanted” and commonly causes flu-like symptoms (usually stronger after the second of the two doses required for the Shingles vaccine). For this reason, we DO NOT administer the Shingles or RSV shots alongside other vaccines.
Planning on traveling outside the United States? Before jetting off, make sure you are up to date on your routine vaccinations. Depending on where you’re traveling, you may also need to get certain vaccinations. Any additional immunizations you need for your trip should be administered at least 4 to 6 weeks before you travel; this will give the vaccines time to start working and help ensure you are fully protected while you’re away. Please visit the CDC’s web page on Travelers’ Health for more information and give us a call or send us a message if you have any questions.
Docket is the free third-party app that the Minnesota Department of Health uses so that patient’s can access their official MIIC (Minnesota’s immunization record system) record on their smartphone. We strongly encourage all patients who’ve received vaccinations in our state to download and use this app to keep track of your vaccinations (you DO NOT need to be a resident of Minnesota, only to have received a single vaccination here). Docket is also considered an official nationally-recognized record of your COVID vaccine doses that can be used if proof of vaccination is required when traveling domestically. More information about accessing your or your child’s Minnesota immunization record, including in Hmong, Somali, and Spanish, can be found here.
Click here to download the app! If you have issues enrolling, visit us in person or give us a call at (651) 698-8859. Problems with enrollment are usually from a discrepancy in the information you’re using to enroll and what’s currently on your MIIC record, which we can help update.