Scripts & Templates

See below for links to scripts and templates prepared by both us and others that will help you in your advocacy journey.
There are scripts for calling your legislator’s office about pharmacy-related legislation and templates for letter writing, starting your own petition, and emailing family and friends to help spread the word. Remember that, even if they’re currently customized for Minnesota, these scripts and templates can be easily adapted for use by voters in other states!

Having trouble accessing or need a hard copy of one of these tools? Send us a message here.

Minnesota Legislature

These templates are customized for bills being debated in the Minnesota Legislature or for Minnesota State Representatives and Senators (each us voting in Minnesota have one of each).

  • Click here to access this Google Doc. Please note that, due to time constraints when this document was made, it currently remains unfinished.

Pharmacists Fight Back Act

These templates feature the Pharmacists Fight Back Act (H.R.9096), a piece of federal legislation that focuses on combatting PBM abuse.

At St. Paul Corner Drug, we believe that…

“In a true democracy, leaders respect the will of the majority but also the rights of the minority—one without the other is not enough.”

— Madeleine Albright, U.S. Secretary of State 1997 - 2001