
from the fight to #SaveIndiePharmacy

New York Times’ The Middlemen series

Drug Costs and Their Impact on Care: Insights from Medicare Patients and Providers
The Commonwealth Fund St. Paul Corner Drug (SPCD) The Commonwealth Fund St. Paul Corner Drug (SPCD)

Drug Costs and Their Impact on Care: Insights from Medicare Patients and Providers

Prescription drug costs are a barrier to care for many patients, but especially so for the nine of 10 Medicare beneficiaries who report taking prescription drugs regularly. In fact, 14 percent of beneficiaries age 65 or older say they skip taking or sometimes do not even fill their prescriptions because of the expense.

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How Medicare Says It Arrives At ‘Fair’ Prescription Drug Prices
Forbes St. Paul Corner Drug (SPCD) Forbes St. Paul Corner Drug (SPCD)

How Medicare Says It Arrives At ‘Fair’ Prescription Drug Prices

When former President Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act into law in 2022, he said that drug price negotiations and other provisions in the legislation would help lower costs for Medicare beneficiaries by bringing down the prices of certain medicines and capping out-of-pocket costs for many others. What remained hidden from view, however, is how the so-called maximum fair prices of the drugs selected for negotiation are determined. Now we have a glimpse behind the curtain. But it is only a peek.

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Assistant Attorney General Jonathan Kanter Delivers Remarks on the Platformization of Health care
Office of Public Affairs, U.S. Department of Justice St. Paul Corner Drug (SPCD) Office of Public Affairs, U.S. Department of Justice St. Paul Corner Drug (SPCD)

Assistant Attorney General Jonathan Kanter Delivers Remarks on the Platformization of Health care

“In 2010, the big insurers promoted the narrative that single payer was a threat to Americans. Nearly 15 years later, we may well be accelerating the march to single payer, just not the kind anyone imagined in 2010, or wants today.

The moment for this discussion is now and the timing is urgent.” —AAG Jonathan Kanter

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