
from the fight to #SaveIndiePharmacy

New York Times’ The Middlemen series

Key Facts on Health Coverage of Immigrants
KFF St. Paul Corner Drug (SPCD) KFF St. Paul Corner Drug (SPCD)

Key Facts on Health Coverage of Immigrants

As of 2023, half (50%) of likely undocumented immigrant adults and one in five (18%) lawfully present immigrant adults reported being uninsured compared to less than one in ten naturalized citizen (6%) and U.S.-born citizen (8%) adults.

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Assistant Attorney General Jonathan Kanter Delivers Remarks on the Platformization of Health care
Office of Public Affairs, U.S. Department of Justice St. Paul Corner Drug (SPCD) Office of Public Affairs, U.S. Department of Justice St. Paul Corner Drug (SPCD)

Assistant Attorney General Jonathan Kanter Delivers Remarks on the Platformization of Health care

“In 2010, the big insurers promoted the narrative that single payer was a threat to Americans. Nearly 15 years later, we may well be accelerating the march to single payer, just not the kind anyone imagined in 2010, or wants today.

The moment for this discussion is now and the timing is urgent.” —AAG Jonathan Kanter

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‘Not medically necessary’: Inside the company helping America’s biggest health insurers deny coverage for care
CNN St. Paul Corner Drug (SPCD) CNN St. Paul Corner Drug (SPCD)

‘Not medically necessary’: Inside the company helping America’s biggest health insurers deny coverage for care

Every day, patients across America crack open envelopes with bad news. Yet another health insurer has decided not to pay for a treatment that their doctor has recommended. Sometimes it’s a no for an MRI for a high school wrestler with a strained back. Sometimes for a cancer procedure that will help a grandmother with a throat tumor. Sometimes for a heart scan for a truck driver feeling short of breath.

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